Our Begining...

Our Begining...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Precious Moments

wow, how life is a vapor...you wake up in the morning -you run and gun all day and before you know it- it's the evening and time to go to bed...where did the day go? My children are growing right before my eyes and I can hardly stand it...it breaks my heart that I am unable to go back and recapture moments during the day when I shoud have just stopped what I was doing and read just one more book with Salah or had one more little cup of tea with her and her new tea set...the little things...or sit there another 15 minuts with Kadesh as he just gazes into my eyes-as if to say, momma just hold me, just love on me a little longer momma...he clinches me all the time wanting my full attention and just giggles at me talking as good as he can...precious moments the Lord has been SO gracious to give me...I am in such desperate need of Him...to STOP long enough as they say "to smell the roses"...time is fleeting and yes, moments are passing? What matters the most...? My heart seriously breaks whenever I look back at the days I have wasted...time is precious...very precious....thie Lord is nigh you even upon your lips...those of you He's given precious little ones...soak up every moment...they will be too grown one day to grab and kiss till they squeal or laugh at just plain silliness...live every day as a gift from the Lord-never taken for granted;)

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